I also purchased these cool model kits for $1 at Michael's. Great time killer for the kids on a day too hot to go outside. Like today. They helicopters, tanks, race cars. All kinds of cool stuff just for boys & they had a blast creating their own little projects.
I also got this little gem at The Vintage House. It's an old Kodak Brownie camera & I just love it. It is so cute & while I won't use it, I just love the vintage look of it.
My brother brought this beautiful little perfume bottle back from Kuwait. It is made of brass & the detail is amazing. He is still in Hawaii & we're hoping he'll stay there for a good long time. Vinnie is flying out to visit him next week. He'll be staying there for a couple of weeks & he is so excited to be spending time with his uncle. Plus, he won't have to share him with any of us! When Beto comes home everyone is always competing for his time so now he can spend time exclusively with Vinnie.
And this little beauty is actually a bottle of sake. Jim & I went to our favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner a few weeks ago when I spied this lovely pink bottle perched on top of the sushi bar. I've never had sake but it wasn't bad & we only drank it because I wanted the bottle. It is just such a beautiful soft shade of pink & I loved the name, Sayuri, which means Lily in Japanese. For anyone who has seen 'Memoirs of a Geisha', the lead's name was Sayuri. So pretty.
Last but not least, I scored this pretty at Safeway (Yes, Safeway!) for just $3!! I couldn't pass it up. Not sure what I'll do with it but I'll figure something out.
Stay cool, drink lots of water & spare the air!! It's blazing out there & won't cool off for a couple of days.
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