But never too busy to take a picture with my boys. And who is the photographer behind this lens? My very own Kieran. He has taken an interest in the camera & check this out, no cropping or anything. He did this all by himself. I'm impresed. But not to be outdone...
Jamie got in on the action too. I am so loving that they are interested in what I do when I leave them for the weekends. And this weekend was a long one. Spent all day Sunday helping with the store move & yesterday at a loooooong shoot in Clayton. I am definitely feeling my age. Or maybe it's because I'm out of shape. But I'm on the road to skinny again. OK, let's not go crazy here, at least less chubby. I've been hitting the Bowflex a few times a week & walking more. It makes a difference but it's slow going.
That's my girl Nancie & Miss Mallory. Very excited for Mal because she is off to start a new adventure in her young life. She is leaving us to continue her education at UC Davis. Ah, to be young again. We had a great little party for her & gave her a big send off. Luckily she won't be too far away so we will see her still but it's not like it was. Such a smarty girl!! The party was awesome & our pal Wendy taught everyone this very cute project that her & Nance created. Those crafty girls!
Haven't had a lot of time to crop since life is keeping me hopping. Between the kids, helping my dad with his business & work I am just wiped. But luckily the next few days will be mellow. Jim is going in for his surgery on Thursday & while I am sure everything will be fine, the whole 'surgery' thing is scary. But the end result will be so worth it. If you haven't heard, he's going to get the cochlear implant so we are very excited. Imagine being able to hear after 40+ years! The surgery has a 95% success rate (or so I'm told) & we are both anxious to get this done.
And we are literally counting the days until my brother gets home. If all goes well & there aren't any delays he should be home either the 1st or 2nd week of October. And we can't wait. He has been gone way too long & we will all breathe easier with him home & safe.
Have a wonderful week & God willing, I will blog more!!!