Just 3 days left of school and we can't wait to hit the beach. Looking forward to spending some time out in Santa Cruz with Mom at some point. We made a couple of trips out there in the off season and I can't wait for the boys to experience the true Boardwalk experience when it comes alive with rides and people. I love being near the water and we had fun walking on the beach when we were there.
It's just so much more relaxed and the air is so fresh and clean out there. I am dying to just pack an ice chest, some towels and relax with the boys out there.
Plus I take a ton of pictures when I'm away from home. So I am getting some really beautiful stuff and realizing I enjoy doing landscape type stuff. Jim, Jamie and I also took a ride out to St. Helena to pick up our shipment of wine from Berringer Winery. It isn't as fancy as it sounds. We joined a wine club and every quarter we pick up a case of different white wines. It's cool because not only do we get a case of wine but we also get to spend the day in wine country.
Here's Jim and Jamie with our box of wine. No, Jamie is not getting any. Haha!
Vincent is finishing up his 4th quarter of college. WOW! I can't believe it's already been a year! It went by so fast. I am so proud of how hard he has worked because I know it hasn't been easy with the obstacles we faced this past year. 2 more year buddy! My smart boy!
I've been crafting and sewing a lot more. It is so relaxing and I love to create these little treasures with my hands. I made the above book using My Mind's Eye 6x6 mini papers. It is a 4"x2" book and it came out adorable. Might be an Etsy item but not sure yet. Also bought a bunch of apron patterns and other goodies to keep my sewing machine busy while the boys are off. I can't wait!!
I made this one with a bunch of mini pictures from our Santa Cruz trip. Love it!!
Last note, I know it's past Memorial Day but lets not forget our troops are still fighting wars in this world. Pray for their safe return and that they receive the support they need both abroad and at home. Having a brother who has been in the service for over 20 years, I understand the sacrifice he makes daily. He has missed a lot of holidays and major events and it isn't easy not having him close by. But he has attained his dream of becoming a pilot and has traveled the world while serving our country. So when you see one of our service members, don't be shy. Take a moment to stop and say 'Thank you. We appreciate your sacrifice.' It means more than you know.
My brother!! We love you Beto!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!