No, I didn't get Patrick for Christmas but he's just so darn pretty I had to put him on here. No offense Jim. But a girl can dream right?
So welcome 2007, good-bye 2006. How did that year fly by so fast? Amazing but maybe it's just age that makes the years go by so quickly. We are looking forward to having a happy & prosperous year & I hope everyone else is as well.
The year is starting off great so far with news that my brother will be home for 2 weeks. He will be here sometime on Monday & we are all excited & can't wait to see him. He sounds well & anxious to get out of Iraq. With recent events it has been crazy there & I think he is just looking to get the hell out of there even if it is for just 2 weeks. Couldn't ask for a better way to start the new year.
Life is moving along as usual. Kids are back in school & I am trying to get back into my routine. Growing bigger by the minute (literally) & feeling more & more pregnant as the days go by. Luckily things are still going very smoothly & hoping they stay that way.
I did receive a lovely present from F & J, Nancie & I got to go to see Dancing with the Stars in San Jose & it was amazing! Loved it & unbeknown st to Jim, we are taking dancing lessons as soon as I have these twins. It was a fabulous show & got me all geared up to take some classes. Won't he be surprised?
Kids had a great Christmas & it is always such a joy to see their little faces light up on Christmas morning. That makes Christmas that much more enjoyable. I know if I didn't have them, I'd probably just sleep in & laze around all day. But I love the anticipation of seeing their faces when they wake up & see that Santa has been here. If your kids are like mine, they are obsessed with the
vacuum cleaner. I have no idea why but if I pull out that
vacuum they are fighting over who is going to
vacuum. Needless to say, I let them fight it out. So Gavin was very excited to see that Santa brought him his very own Dirt Devil. That kid dragged that darn thing everywhere for days until we finally had to take it away & hide it in the garage. He even tried to sleep with it. Guess he'll have a future in housekeeping.

I am really loving the new camera & getting used to all it's functions. I have gotten some really cool shots but know I've been taking too many when Gavin sees it & says, No picture Mommy.' Guess he's not used to it yet. Kieran & James on the, other hand, love to ham it up. I did manage to get a few shots of them all including Vinnie being a cool big brother, kicking back with Gavin to watch some cartoons.

Yes, I have New Year's Resolutions but it's late & I will post them later. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday & has a great & prosperous New Year's. And when life gets too busy & you feel like the days are rushing by, stop & take a minute to take a deep breath & just enjoy what you have. Like these little blessings up here. They make it all worth it.
1 comment:
Great post Tab and I love the pictures! I can live vicariously through you and your new camera....
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