That being said, I have been completely consumed with expansion and move of the store. And it was well worth it because we are all moved in and I have to say, it looks fab-u-lous. It's all pink and black and just so warm and comfy. We added the photography studio and it is all coming together. I am completely in my space with this job. I am so in my element and that makes a huge difference in my life.
So we took the kids out to the Liberty Homecoming Parade last night and then trick-or-treating. The got a TON of candy. And they had so much fun they passed out in the living room. And check out the fancy pumpkin Jim and the boys carved. Love it.
The 2 Batman's are mine and the little lion is Bradley, DeAnne's son. Kieran was doing his best Sean Penn imitation and running from the camera. He was Batman also. Original aren't they? And can I just ask, what the heck happened to making your own Halloween costumes? We spent $60 on costumes! I remember when we used to rummage around my mom's closet and put a costume together. Boy have times changed.
Speaking of times changing, check out my boy:
DeAnne talked him into getting in front of the camera and he looks so handsome and big. I couldn't be any prouder.
OK I will do my best not to let this go for so long again. Really. Have a great weekend and stay dry!!
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