Apparently, yes. I know, I say it all the time. I'll write more, I'll do better. But seriously, I suck. But I have a perfectly good excuse for not posting. Ok, let's see um........ OK, I went to 2 Giant's games with my boy Vinnie. Yes, I still love the Yankees but home, I love the Giants. Vinnie has converted me. Besides having an amazing stadium, they have some great players and they are so much fun to watch. See? Lincecum
, the boy pitches his heart out. And the food. Remember when you used to go to a game and they had the standards: hot dogs, pop, beer, Cracker Jacks, peanuts. The basics. Now: garlic fries, Doggie Diner, chowder bowls, hot chocolate. The list goes on and on. Needless to say, I'm hooked.
Enough about the Giants. I did have the busy schedule of keeping the kids busy during Summer break. Of course, it was a billion degrees out here and I am the menopausal mom so going outside was un-freakin-bearable. Thank God for air conditioning. I mean, can you imagine what it was like when there was no AC? UGH!!
OK, so what's going on in my little corner of the world now? Well, I am back to being a full-time mom and loving it. No more spreading myself too thin (as if that's possible). All of the boys are in school now so I have a solid 3 hours on my own daily. Bliss. But that also means I am forced to go to the gym now. Which is actually good because I'm pretty sure I was pushing maximum density. It ain't pretty. So I'm sore but I feel good.
I am trying (still) to get this photography thing going. I swear, a big thing is my lack of confidence. I don't know why but I get that whole 'I'm not good enough' crap in my head and it drags me down. So I have no excuses now. I need to quit being a big baby and just bite the bullet and put myself out there. What's the worst that could happen? And when I see pictures like this:
I just KNOW I'm ready for the big time. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE that my husband is as dorky as I am? He's the best. By the way, he is demonstrating that bling is not just for paper. Oh no baby, just add that to your grill and you're lookin' real fine. Don't steal him, he's mine and I'll fight ya' for him.
Soooooo, I will try to be a better blogger. I WILL. Seriously. Oh my, just realized my Patrick is on. YAY!!! I have waited so long. And can I just say how much it totally SUCKS that we already know George is dead and Izzie survives? What the hell happened to a good cliffhanger? Like Dynasty and stuff. I mean, you literally didn't know for MONTHS if Fallon died or not. Now THAT'S a cliffhanger. Alas, no more Aaron Spelling so we are stuck with lame cliffhangers. By the way, I loved George.
I must go watch my man. It has been too long and I am missing him in that lovely white coat even if he is with Meredith. Have a great weekend!!
OHHHH! Thanks for the blog plug by my awesome friend Daniela. YOU ROCK GIRL!!!!
1 comment:
Tab, so glad you are back! I loved the scene of the show at the funeral for George where they were all laughing uncontrollably. Wow - amazing what emotions will do.
What can we do to help you get this photography business off the ground. Contact me - on Facebook even (giggle). Marketing is my thing, I will help you - we will do a trade of something...Anyway - you are totally talented and I support you getting this business off the ground! You with me?! Bring on the AC and let's go! Hope to see you soon.
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