Wednesday, June 09, 2010


It's official. I'm chubby. Oh, who am I kidding? I've been chubby. But when I hit the dreaded scale yesterday and saw that I had surpassed the 2oo (yes, that's 200 POUNDS), I realized something had to be done. Now I admit, I am one of those people that thinks if I eat once a day, I won't gain weight. AND I also have a husband who has told me for YEARS that if I eat 5 small meals instead of one big fat pigfest of a meal I will lose weight. With that in mind, I am doing a MAJOR shift in my diet. And excercise. Apparently chasing kids all day and running them back and forth to school is not considered excercise. Or I have the slowest metabolism in the world because it just ain't cutting it anymore. So I decided the best way I can push myself to lose this chubbiness is to tell you, my meager audience, my progress. My thinking is, if I have to share my piggishness with you I will be less likely to pork down on that last cupcake because I don't want it to go to waste. I figure, if Cathy Zielske can show her progress, why can't I? Heck, she even has before pictures is shorts and a tank top. It's late and I look like hell so I won't subject your poor eyes to that. But I will divulge: as of today, I weigh 221. I need to lost like 70lbs. I don't want to look anorexic, mind you. Just thinner. So there it is. Me in all my 221lb. glory. I am bound and determined. So if you see me stuffing a donut in my mouth, smack that damn thing out of my chubby little hand (is that an oxymoron?). I promise, I won't hit back. OK, I'm off to catch some z's. Tomorrow is a new day and my butt is losing some weight. Wish me luck!!


Lora Oliver said...

You don't need luck, girlie. And we don't lose weight, we get rid of it forever. Saying lose means you wish to find it again. Last, you are beautiful as you are, but I give you huge props for making choices to be healthier and for putting yourself out there like this. Please let me know if you need anything in your journey. I will be your cheerleader. Sans skirt and pompoms.

Tab said...

aw man, no skirt & pompoms??? Thank you sweetie! You're the best. When do I get to see your pretty face again?

nan said...

ok so you are a fatty like me. i try and try but just can't seem to maintain the mindset to be good for more than a few weeks. here i am 6 weeks before my last child gets married and i will, yet again, attend my child's wedding in a freaking omar the tent maker dress and avoid the camera!! dam, what's a fatty to do?
love ya' muches, nanc