Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Nancie!

So the first picture of me & Nancie is at the coffee house. Next pic is the two of us joined by Daniela for a little shopping trip (note the little shopping bag contributed by Sawna).
Last is most us at Nancie's party. Not everyone was done when I took this but I had to skeedaddle early as I had a shoot on Sunday morning. But left to right are: Liz, Daniela, Shawna, the guest of honor, Nancie, Meredith, Tristan and myself. Background paper is the party paper.
Had 2 shoots this weekend that went well even though it was freezing outside. I love my job but the cold just kills me because I am such a big baby. I'll take the heat any day over the cold. Next weekend we're shooting in Sonoma and I am soooo looking forward to it. It is so beautiful out there and it's an indoor shoot so the cold won't matter. Plus we're done early so if I wanna hang out afterwards I can. Fun stuff.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lazy Blogger