So it's a new year and I decided to actually make a resolution this year. I mean really, who keeps those things anyway? Well this one is one I intend to follow through on. OK (deep breath) I joined Weight Watchers. Yep, I bit the bullet and decided it was time. I mean there's a point when you have to admit that it is no longer post-baby fat. It's just freakin' fat. That point came about 6 months ago but I had to come to grips with letting go of my beloved cupcake/pastry/frappacino obsession. The family is being supportive and encouraging. Except when Jim came home last weekend with a box of danishes 'for the kids' and I about lunged at him for one. Seriously, keep the danish away. You will get hurt. So far I've lost 2 lbs. I know, whoop-dee-frickin-doo but it's a start. Plus I started working out and started eating fruits and vegetables. *Gasp!* Yes even the green ones Mom. I really do like the WW plan but I swear, if I see Jennifer Hudson's skinny ass singing about how much weight she's lost one more time, I'm going to kick the TV in. OK we get it Jenn, you're skinny now. I'm still fat. Can you just give me some time?
This Christmas was by far the best Christmas we've had in YEARS. My brother was actually home for the first time in ages and we all spent the holiday together including my dad, step-mom AND my mother. It was amazing and nice to have everyone together. As always, his visit is never long enough but we are grateful he was home.
Vince is in his 3rd quarter at school now and doing fabulous. It is amazing to see you little boy turning into a man. I'm like, when did you start growing a moustache? It is so weird to see hair on his face! As for the wee ones, they run me ragged as always but they seem be growing out of their terror stages. Thank God for that! Seriously, you have 4 rambunctious boys and tell me the thought of selling one doesn't cross your mind. Can't do it huh? But honestly, they bring me so much joy.
When my brother was home we took a ride out to Napa to visit some wineries. What a bunch a fun!! We went to Robert Mondavi which was really pretty. Tasted some reds there and then drove down the road to the Berringer Winery which is my favorite. Joined their 'free' wine club. Not so free but totally worth it. So once a quarter I get 6 bottles of wines I like (the sweet white wines) for $36!!!! What a deal! Plus we get access to the 'exclusive' area of the main house and their special tasting room. Plus all of our tastings are FREE. Now who can say no to free booze? NOT ME!!!
This last weekend Jim and I drove out the get our first order. It was a beautiful day in Napa and we took the time to stroll downtown.
We stopped at this beautiful kitchen store I think it was called Olives. They had the most amazing stuff in there. These huge vats of different olive oils that you could sample, different dips. And really nice kitchen supplies and dishes.
He takes the shoe from my hand and his eyes about pop out of his skull.
"What?" he exclaims. "What freakin' idiot would spend A THOUSAND DOLLARS ON SHOES????" I sheepishly look at the lady at the table across from us. The lady looking at another paid of Laboutins. Yes, that idiot over there. She's spending a thousand dollars on a pair of shoes. Needless to say, we left VERY soon after.
The moral of this story: NEVER bring a man who does not understand the concept of fancy shoes into a fancy shoe store. He WILL embarass you.
All in all, it was a fabulous day. I got a box of wine. And not the 'box' with the spout on the side. I spent a lovely day with my lobster AND I got to hold not only a pair of Laboutin's but also a pair of Manolo's.
And that's about it. I am looking forward to a wonderful, prosperous year. And a year where I will finally get a handle on being a healthier person, get back to creating more and spending some quality time with my family. Where does the time go? So what do you have planned for 2012? I hope this year is a blessed one for you and yours and as usual, I will try to post more. But don't hold your breath. Lord knows you could die if you do.
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