Happy to report the twins are doing very well. Had another sonogram on Friday and the doctor says all looks well. And I still feel great aside from being sleepy. Lately I've been going to bed at 8:30. I feel like a little kid but I am just so wiped out that as soon as the kids are in bed, I am too. That means lucky Jim can watch all the boring man shows he likes without me complaining. So we're both happy, he gets to watch television in peace and I get a little more sleep.
Now that we're in the swing of things with school life is getting back to normal. It seems like the first 3 weeks are a whirlwind of activities, PTA, open house, ugh. But looks like this week begins the calming, less activities and maybe I can be home for dinner a few times this week. And maybe even have time for doing more scrapbooking and completing projects like this:

And this

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