Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I Saw Jesus at BART Today
Anyway, I'm 44. Turned 44 about 3 weeks ago. A long time ago I decided I would pick an age and just stick to that. I don't feel 44. I feel about 25 maybe 30. But then I started thinking this year. This 44 year old body has held up pretty well. I mean, I'm not as pretty and skinny as I was when I was 25 but dammit, a lot has happened. I've had several children, 3 husbands (that's another story), many jobs, 2 bouts with pneumonia in the last 4 years. Other than that, no major illnesses, no surgeries. I'd say I'm doing pretty damn good. Knock on wood. So yay 44!!! We'll see how I feel when I turn 50. I have a few years to adjust.
So we are gearing up for Halloween on Monday. I think I will dress up for the first time in a few years. Going to be a witch (what else?). Figure I have the name, got a pretty cool broom, why not use it? Kids are super excited as usual.
Been venturing out with the camera more and more. Got some fantastic photo ops while working at Brownstone Gardens in Oakley this season. Who knew weddings could be so crazy? The amount of money people shell out for these events is outrageous. I mean, I appreciate it's your special day and all but $8000 on flowers? FLOWERS? Really? Good lord. Who says we're in a recession? But a lot of the weddings were just beautiful. Even got to photograph their bridal faire which was really cool.
My friend Mary and I also did a craft faire at a local church. We didn't make squat but it was so much fun creating everything. I have been sewing like crazy and finished my third quilt and just started my fourth. The kids love them and I am happy giving them something that I hope will last them for many years to come.
This is one of my little tiered cake pincushions with a stamped cutout of the Farm Girl's series. So flippin' cute!!!! I made about a dozen different ones. Love it! I am a pincushion freak!!!!!
So enjoy the last days of somewhat warmth we have because I have a feeling it's gonna be a cold Winter. Thank God for all these quilts to keep us warm!!!! Have a wonderful Halloween and hope you get more treats than tricks!!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
End of Summer
Yep, it's the end of Summer. No more swimming, no more bbq's and time to pull out our warmer clothes. I am so glad it was a mild Summer. The kids had a blast with our new pool. I had fun just watching them and taking pictures. Summer came with lots of changes. The 3 youngest gained a year. Jamie turned 11, Kieran turned 10 and Gavin turned 7. Vincent graduated high school and started college. Still can't believe I have a college student!!! But it has been a fabulous Summer. Spent lots of time creating with Vanessa and Mary, lots of time with my lobster, Jim. And worked a cool new job at a local wedding location, Brownstone Gardens. Fun stuff.
So with that being said, what's in store for Fall? Working on my photography, sewing more, cooking and baking more. Summer, I just wanna laze around and enjoy the weather, not having to take kids to school everyday. Oh, and surfing on Pinterest. Have you jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon yet? OMG..... It is like HEAVEN. Go check it out. Now. Pinterest.Com. I'll wait........... SEE? Isn't it amazing??? Now don't blame me if you spend hours on end looking through pictures. That's my late night guilty pleasure. A little glass of moscato, a little Pinterest and mama is a happy girl. So many fabulous ideas.
Things I've learned the last few months: Just because people have money doesn't mean they have class. Lord, that was the big one. Oh, and there really ARE bridezillas. That shit ain't fake. On a happy note, there are some truly in love couples out there.
Sewing a quilt isn't as hard as I thought and soooo much fun and rewarding.
Getting sunburned still sucks. But it helps having a really cool husband who will put aloe on you every few hours so you don't tweek from the itching/burning combo going on.
I can bake the hell out of a cupcake. And cookies. Next feat: PIES!!!
I really REALLY missed having a truck and am so glad to have one again.
Getting up at 5:30am to take Vincent to BART is actually nice and relaxing. I get some Vin time and some me time.
Spending days on end with my husband was really nice and we grew so much closer. He is really an amazing guy and I am sooooo blessed to have him.
Having a nice big German sherpard rocks. Sam is the best dog EVER.
Last thing: I need entirely too much sleep. I mean, is 12 hours too much? How can I sleep that much and STILL be tired????
So there you have it. My Summer in a nutshell. Now aren't you glad you stopped by??
Oh and by the way, that crap music over there>>>>>>>that isn't my playlist. What the hell happened to my good music????? UGH! Technology!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
OK, I'm officially a slacker

Monday, March 07, 2011
March Already???

These are 2 of the cards I made. I also made some adorable altered clothespins. I have no idea what I will do with them but they are so damn cute I just love them. Made a ton of layouts & just basically had a lovely girl's weekend.
Vanessa has taken Mary & I on some fantastic field trips the last couple of months. Now I am the San Francisco girl but Vanessa is the Berkeley girl. She took us to so many places I couldn't even keep up!! This last weekend we went to the 50th White Elephant Sale in Oakland. They had everything & I mean literally EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine in this humongous warehouse. It was like a huge garage sale of everything. Sooooo much fun!!!

After that, we headed to Danville where we hit a beautiful quilt store called Wooden Gate Quilts. The ladies there were so nice & helpful & the quilts there were just amazing. They even had Dr. Seuss fabric!! Definitely inspiring for all of us.

As for the family, we are very excited to have added a new little member to our clan. NO I did NOT have another kid. We picked up this adorable little guy:

No not Jim. Welcome to the family Cooper Maris McIntyre. Cooper, well, Cooperstown where the Baseball Hall of Fame is located. But I couldn't very well name him Cooperstown. And Maris after my all time favorite Yankee player, Roger Maris. He is a teacup chihuahua mixed with Miniature Pincher. He is spunky as all hell so he fits right in with our brood.
Life is good, we are happy & I am filled with joy & inspiration by my friends. Spring break in less than a week!!! What will you be doing??? Have a great week!!
Monday, February 07, 2011

In addition to being lucky with the killer spouse, I have these little buggers to drive me wild. No, seriously. They drive me NUTS. But I don't know what my life would be without them. See the little pixie on the left? He's the instigator. I swear, the kid could talk the Pope into stealing a bike. And the attitude in front? Oh, he's the mouth. Never knows when to quit. Now the one on the right, he's the tattle tail. If you're doing something you shouldn't be doing, don't let him catch you. He WILL tell. And the big boy in back, what can I say about him? He is more like his mom than I'd like to admit. Stubborn, always right and ALWAYS has to have the last word. But you know what? I wake up every morning grateful to have them. Wake me up in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare, holler for me when you're fighting, cry when you don't get what you want. But then there's the best part. Gavin giving me my special 'cuddle time', Kieran hugging me everyday and telling me he loves me, Jamie leaning his head on my shoulder while I cook, Vincent (who is now taller than me) giving me a bear hug. That makes it all worth it. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

OK, so yeah, life is good. On another note, I am getting to know two very wonderful women. Vanessa and Mary have been such a joy to be around. It is so invigorating to spend time with such very wonderful and creative women. I feel so inspired and fulfilled when I am with them. Vanessa took us on a little field trip to Berkeley to show us the cool crafty spots. It was so much fun. We went to Anthropology, Paper Source, Scrapbook Territory (of course!),Castle in the Air, Sur Le Table, Stone Mountain & Daughter's Fabric Store, Berkeley Bowl and Zachary's Pizza. All fantastic places and ideas galore.

This window display at Castle in the Air was to die for. And all made of paper. So incredibly beautiful. The store had so many great art supplies. Big beautiful sheets of paper, various inks and an amazing classroom upstairs.

I came home all ready to start making some goodies. Love that feeling of just wanting to dive into your supplies and create!
Also loving this Spring-like weather. It has been beautiful here the last few days. But alas, the wind is kicking up something fierce here now and I think Spring will be put on hold for a little longer. I am definitely ready to venture beyond my little area here and start taking some pictures. Soon enough!!
Take a minute and think about what makes you happy. Be grateful for what you have. And don't let life get you down. Trust me, it does get better. I'm proof.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
May the Force Be With You
This was so so good and the perfect comfort food in this cold foggy weather. Love me some Mawthah.
Last weekend it was homemade minestrone which was amazingly simple to make.
So I have ventured off the path of just making baked goods and moved into actual food. And I am in HEAVEN. It is so rewarding to put something together and have it come out absolutely delicious and have my family like it.
Now these delightful little things are homemade cinnamon rolls. And I don't mean that Pillsbury crap you bang on the counter to open. I mean real, honest to goodness homemade cinnamon rolls. O h m y G O D. It just isn't right that I learned to make these. And they are to DIE for.
This recipe came from my new favorite cookbook, The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond. Seriously the best $25 I have EVER spent. Ree is on the premier issue of Where Women Cook Magazine and she is truly amazing. She has a ton of fabulous recipes with step by step illustrations of how to do each recipe. This is great because you can actually see how it is supposed to look. Check out her website at ThePioneerWoman.Com. She also has some of her recipes on her site. Amazing stuff.
Another excellent magazine is the Food Network Magazine. It has some great recipes and no outlandish ingredients that you wouldn't be able to get at your local supermarket.
And yes, I am still crafting. I have gotten together weekly for the last few weeks with the gals and we have been creating like crazy. So much fun. Friday night we were at Scrapbook Territory in Berkeley which is the BEST scrapbook store in the Bay Area. They truly have anything you could think of. Stamps, paper, altered art. Just a scrapper's heaven.
Alright, now go get your light saber, put on your apron and start cooking!!!! If you want any of these recipes, drop me a line and I'll shoot them to ya! Bon apetit!!!