Now on a happy note, kids are wonderful. Jamie is doing great in school & improving leaps & bounds. Kieran seems to be more receptive to the idea of starting school especially when he found out he gets to play on the same playground Jamie does. Remember when all that mattered was that at some point during the day you got to go outside & play? We should be more like that. Forget about going to work, cooking, cleaning & all the other yucky stuff we have to do as adults. We should set aside some time during the day to just P L A Y. Whether it be relaxing with a good book or sitting outside & enjoying this (FINALLY) beautiful weather. My play today is going to be hitting my garage & getting ready for the sale this weekend. Lord knows we have a ton of stuff to get rid of. And at the end of my ever so long day hopefully I will be able to sleep as well as Gavin does.

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