Saturday, February 18, 2006

Resolution #1 Started!

Like everyone, I resolved to start working out & get my butt back into shape this year. I started out slowly (if you call running slow) but lord, the first time I ran I thought I was going to have a stroke! But I kept plugging. For 2 weeks. Then decided I would rather die in a nice warm hospital bed than laying on the road waiting for someone to find me. So the other day I'm walking out of Safeway & lo & behold there's a neon pink flyer on their ad board for Ladies 30 Minute Workout. They want 50 people for a workout study & I get to work out FREE for 3 weeks. Not bad. So I go, sign up & started yesterday. Can I just say, there's a reason they call it '30 Minute Workout'? These women had me running from station to station using every machine you can think of to squeeze, push & force that fat out. You're supposed to make it around twice. I made it around once. Barely. But I am proud to say I actually had the nerve to go back today & I made it around twice! And I feel better than I did yesterday. So cross your fingers & pray to the weightloss gods that I can keep up this stamina. Mind you, I don't want to fit into a bikini but I would like to pull out all those cute pre-3 pregnancies summer clothes I have stockpiled away. The next question is: are you trying to get in shape? If you want a partner, let me know. I am down for walks in the morning or evening after Jim gets home (4:30) and I know I work out better when I have someone with me. Have a great day!!

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